The Power of Progress: How Small Steps Lead to Big Wins

Life isn’t about perfection. It’s about progress. Whether you’re starting a business, learning a new skill, or trying to get back on your feet after failure, the key isn’t doing it perfectly—it’s just showing up. That’s the lesson I’ve learned through my journey from owning a banana flour company, waiting tables after it failed, to running a successful construction business.

When I thought my life was falling apart, I realized that progress equals happiness. Not huge leaps—just small, consistent steps. Like the Navy SEAL saying, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” You don’t build a business overnight. You don’t fix your mistakes in a day. You show up. You call one person. You send one email. You put one foot in front of the other.

Starting my construction company was overwhelming. I wasn’t a seasoned contractor with years of experience swinging a hammer. I was just an entrepreneur willing to learn. I’d Google construction terms in the bathroom during meetings so no one would see how clueless I was. But that’s the beauty of entrepreneurship—you don’t have to know everything. You just have to start, stay consistent, and learn along the way.

Building homes taught me that business success isn’t about avoiding mistakes. It’s about showing up every day and putting in the reps. It’s about making the calls, following up with contractors, managing the chaos, and not quitting when things get tough.

So think about your own life. What’s the ‘trick’ you’re trying to land? Maybe it’s turning your construction business around. Maybe it’s repairing a relationship. Maybe it’s finally committing to a goal you’ve been pushing off. The truth is, you won’t land it on the first try. You’re going to fall, probably a lot. But the difference between those who succeed and those who don’t is simple—the ones who succeed keep getting back up.

So put in the reps. Make the calls. Keep trying. Because eventually, the trick will land, and when it does, you’ll be ready for the next challenge. That’s the game. That’s life. That’s construction.


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